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How do people incapable of speech perform namâz?

How do people incapable of speech perform namâz?

Question: How do people who are incapable of speech because of congenital deafness or impairment of vocal cords perform namâz?
Our religion never holds people responsible for more than they can bear. People incapable of speech are exempted from the qirâat [recitation] in namâz. However, their failing to recite does not prevent the performance of the namâz. For example, it is fard [obligatory] to stand (qiyâm) in namâz. But people who are too ill to stand or who have no feet by birth perform namâz by sitting. If they cannot sit, either, then they perfom namâz lying on their back by îmâ. (Marâqil-falâh)

In namâz, when stutterers recite as loud as they themselves can hear, it takes a long time. Is it permissible for them to recite not so loud as to hear their own voices?
It is not permissible to recite not so loud as to hear one’s own voice, that is, to recite through heart. Even if it takes a long time, stutterers must recite as loud as they can hear their own voice. (Halabî)

Question: How can mutes learn the sûras [chapters of the Qur’ân al-karîm] recited in namâz?
They do not have to perform qirâat [recitation], and they perform the other rukns of namâz.

[People who cannot stand, or who may suffer harm or feels dizzy if they stand, can perform namâz by sitting (they bow for the ruku’ and place their head on the floor for the sajda). If they still cannot perform the ruku’ and sajda in this manner, then they can perform namâz by îmâ (signs). Îmâ means making signs with one’s head instead of making ruku’ and sajda. Those who perform namâz by îmâ bend a little for the ruku’ and again bend even more for the sajda. If their bending for the sajda is not more than their bending for the ruku’, their namâz will not be sahîh [valid]. It is not jâiz [permissible] for those who cannot make (for some reason) their head touch on the floor for the sajda to hold something up and make the sajda on it. People in this state perform namâz by îmâ in the manner communicated by our religion.

If people cannot sit on the floor because of an excuse and cannot make îmâ by sitting, then they can perform namâz by making îmâ in lying position. There are two prescribed ways to perform namâz by îmâ (head signs) in lying position for those who cannot perform namâz by standing or sitting:

1- They should lie on their back, put a pillow under their head, stretch their feet towards the Qibla and perform namâz by making îmâ. The pillow or something like it placed under their head enable them to move their head easily to make the ruku’ and sajda (by îmâ).

2- It is also permissible for them to lie on their right or left with their head towards the Qibla. People in such states can perform their namâz by following the way (between these two) which is more suitable for their situation.]

Thank you for knowledge sharing... :)

Hazrat Ali (RA) says "When i wish to talk to ALLAH, I offer NAMAZ (PRAYER), And when i wish that ALLAH talk to me, I recite HOLY QUR'AN.

good :) You're welcome

